calendar>>June 7. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Accuses S. Korean Military of Challenging DPRK's Goodwill and Generosity
Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- These days the south Korean military are reported to have pushed ahead with the plan to reorganize a brigade-scale unit under the Special Ops Command of the Ground Force for the mission of "beheading operation".

The south Korean military gangsters are pushing forward the scheme to intensify the joint rehearsal with the special force of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces while squandering enormous money on introducing special transport aircraft, helicopter and other military hardware for the "beheading operation".

They do not even hesitate to make reckless remarks that one of the core missions of the puppet air force in contingency is to "behead the supreme headquarters of the north by force".

Minju Joson Tuesday says in a commentary terms this an unpardonable military provocation challenging the goodwill and generosity of the DPRK to improve the inter-Korean relations and open up a new chapter of the national reunification.

It goes on:

The DPRK is left with no other option but to settle accounts by force with those who care nothing for the improvement of the inter-Korean relations and the peace on the Korean peninsula but resort to confrontation with the fellow countrymen and a war to find a way out.

As a puppy knows no fear of the tiger, it is foolish of the south Korean authorities to make desperate efforts to find a way out in confrontation with the fellow countrymen. The DPRK dismisses this as a reckless act.

The DPRK has already declared that it is ready both for peaceful way and non-peaceful way by which it will root out the source of evils at a strike to reunify the country.

If the south Korean authorities persist in the confrontation with the fellow countrymen and ignite a war against the north, going against the nation's aspiration and demand and the trend of the times, the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will relentlessly annihilate the provocateurs and aggressors.

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