calendar>>June 7. 2016 Juche 105
Korean People Will Surely Achieve National Reunification under Leadership of Kim Jong Un: Int'l Body
Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- The Korean Friendship Association headquartered in Spain posted an article titled "Roots of great national unity" on its website One Corea Network on May 28.

Recalling in detail that President Kim Il Sung founded the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland (ARF), the first anti-Japanese national united front in Korea, on May 5, 1936, the article went on:

This helped more dynamically rally all anti-Japanese forces in Korea for the struggle for national liberation.

The ARF made a great contribution to overturning the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule over Korea and liberating it, recording a brilliant chapter in its history.

After the liberation of Korea Kim Il Sung convened the Joint Conference of Representatives of Political Parties and Public Organizations in North and South Korea when the country faced a grave danger due to the U.S. imperialists' vicious moves to split the Korean nation, and aroused all political parties, groups and patriotic forces of different circles in the north and the south to the struggle for achieving independence and sovereignty and the reunification of the country.

The great HE Kim Jong Il, faithful successor to the idea and cause of the President, brought about such priceless fruition as the June 15 joint declaration.

The Korean people will surely achieve the country's reunification under the banner of the great national unity, holding Marshal Kim Jong Un in high esteem, just as they liberated the country, united close around Kim Il Sung.

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