calendar>>June 7. 2016 Juche 105
Korean People's Cause of National Reunification Supported by Nigerian Organization
Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- The Nigerian National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism posted an article supporting the Korean people's cause of national reunification on its website on May 26.

The article said:

The line and polices for national reunification clarified by Marshal Kim Jong Un at the historic 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea are evoking a lively response among the public at home and abroad.

The Korean nation has waged a strenuous movement for independent reunification, holding aloft the banner of the three charters for national reunification under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, peerless patriots and lodestars of national reunification, providing such historic milestones as the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration.

However, the south Korean puppet authorities are making reckless remarks going against the trend of times, turning down the goodwill and magnanimity of the DPRK and chilling the atmosphere of dialogue and improved relations.

Whether to put an end at an early date to the disgraceful history of the nation in which the Koreans have suffered pain and misfortune resulting from division due to outsiders for more than seven decades and open the door for independent reunification or not hinges on how to carry out the new line and polices for national reunification.

Difficulties and obstacles are lying in the way of Korea's reunification but all Koreans are sure to emerge victorious in the nationwide struggle for building a dignified and prosperous reunified country in Korea, upholding the Juche-based line and polices for national reunification advanced by Kim Jong Un as immortal great programmes.

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