calendar>>June 2. 2016 Juche 105
Provincial Masses Vow to Become Victors in 200-day Campaign
Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- There took place mass rallies in South Phyongan, South Hwanghae, Jagang and South Hamgyong provinces on Thursday and Friday to vow to successfully implement the decision made at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and become honorable victors in the 200-day campaign.

Present there were officials of the local party, power and economic organs, working people's organizations, industrial establishments, farms and universities, working people and youths and students.

Reports were made there to be followed by speeches of the representatives of workers, agricultural workers, youths and intellectuals.

The reporters and speakers called on officials, party members and working people to steadily register fresh records and speeds in the advance of the 200-day campaign along the path indicated by the Seventh Congress of the WPK.

The campaign is the party-wide, nationwide and all-people general offensive which would demonstrate once again the spirit and might of the Korean people making uninterrupted innovation and advance by getting united around the great party in one mind, they noted.

They called on the officials, party members and working people to turn out as one in the 200-day campaign in response to the call of the party and work miracles and innovations on all major fronts.

They also called for making a breakthrough in achieving the goals of five-year strategy for the state economic development through the accurately targeted method of political and ideological offensive in every part of working sites of 200-day campaign.

They appealed to turn out in the on-going heroic advance and drive and thus contribute to bringing earlier the final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution by making continuous innovation, advance and attack.

The rallies were followed by demonstrations.

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