calendar>>June 2. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Organization Slams Authorities' Human Rights Abuses against Prisoner of Conscience
Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The Measure Committee of Civic and Public Organizations against Suppression under the Pretext of Public Security in south Korea held a press conference on June 1 denouncing the puppet authorities for their crackdown upon a member of the Korea Solidarity for Independent Reunification and Democracy, according to the south Korean Internet newspaper Tongil News.

The speakers said at the conference that the member of the solidarity who is in confinement is staging a hunger strike at the risk of his life in protest against the unreasonable judgment of the court.

He should not be allowed to serve a prison term as an operation had been conducted on him for tumor, they noted.

They strongly demanded the authorities stop labeling him "pro-north element" and immediately release the hunger striker at once.

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