calendar>>June 2. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Urges S. Korean Authorities to Make Bold Decision to Clear Hurdles in Way of Reunification
Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities should clearly understand the wishes of the fellow countrymen, face up to the trend of the times and make a bold decision of eliminating legal and institutional mechanisms standing in the way of national reunification, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in an article.

To remove all legal and institutional mechanisms blocking dialogue, contacts, exchange and cooperation between the north and the south and escalating confrontation is prerequisite to improving the inter-Korean relations, the article notes, and goes on:

First of all, it is necessary to abolish fascist laws which antagonize compatriots and suppress the reunification movement and to dismantle repressive machines against reunification.

The "Security Law" in south Korea is an anachronistic and outrageous fascist law as it bars the nation from achieving reconciliation and unity, blocks the national reunification movement and stirs up distrust and confrontation between the north and the south.

The south Korean conservative authorities are further freezing the inter-Korean relations by enacting new fascist laws in a bid to suppress progressive democratic forces aspiring after reunification and escalate confrontation with the fellow countrymen.

The situation goes to clearly prove that it is impossible to build confidence and achieve unity between the north and the south and confrontation would be escalated between them unless those anti-reunification laws are repealed in south Korea.

It is also necessary to dismantle as early as possible repressive machines against reunification as they throw artificial obstacles in the way of dialogue, cooperation, reconciliation and unity between the north and the south.

The south Korean authorities should prudently accept the bold and patriotic proposal of the DPRK, away from the outdated conception of confrontation.

The north and the south should not allow the bedeviled inter-Korean relations to go on any longer but defuse confrontation and bring about a fresh phase in national reunification as early as possible.

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