calendar>>June 2. 2016 Juche 105
Crucial Report of KPA Supreme Command and Notice of KPA General Staff Supported by Swiss Organizations
Pyongyang, June 3 (KCNA) -- The Switzerland-Korea Committee and the Swiss Group for the Study of the Juche Idea issued a joint statement on May 28 in support of the crucial report issued by the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army (KPA) and notice sent by the KPA General Staff.

The statement said:

The south Korean military gangsters committed such grave military provocation as intruding into the southwestern waters of the West Sea under the DPRK side's control and firing shells at a ferryboat of the Navy of the KPA on a routine duty.

The KPA Supreme Command and General Staff warned the south Korean puppet forces of their provocation.

In the future, the KPA will open direct fire on any warship of the south Korean puppet forces without warning, if it intrudes into the extension of the Military Demarcation Line of the sea waters even 0.001 mm in the hotspot of the West Sea.

It is a hackneyed trick of the south Korean puppet forces to inveigle the DPRK into a provocation case by pushing the situation to an extreme phase and then mislead the public opinion through propaganda that the incident was provoked by the latter.

The DPRK will never allow the provocation by the south Korean puppet forces.

We vehemently denounce the south Korean war maniacs for their fresh military provocation.

We fully support the crucial report of the KPA Supreme Command and notice sent by the KPA General Staff.

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