calendar>>May 30. 2016 Juche 105
Enlarged Plenary Meeting of C.C., Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League Held
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- The 61st Enlarged Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League took place here Monday.

Present there were members of the Central Committee of the youth league and officials of the youth league in Pyongyang and local areas.

The meeting discussed the issues of thoroughly carrying out important tasks set forth by supreme leader Kim Jong Un in his report at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea, of convening the 9th Congress of the youth league and of changing the posts of chairman and vice-chairman of organizations at all levels of the youth league.

Speeches were made on the first agenda item.

The speakers said that in his report Kim Jong Un advanced the goal for dynamically advancing along the only road of the uninterrupted revolution to brilliantly accomplish the socialist cause under the uplifted banner of modeling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism with the idea and exploits of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il as an eternal cornerstone.

They stressed the need for the youth league organizations to launch a study campaign to arm the officials and members of the youth league with the main spirit of the 7th Congress of the WPK and conduct dynamic information service and agitation to arouse them to implementing the decision made at the party congress.

They called upon the officials and members of the youth league to greatly contribute to hastening the final victory of building a socialist power by ceaselessly creating new myth of hero youth in the struggle to implement the tasks of the party congress.

A decision on the first agenda item was adopted.

The meeting decided to convene the 9th Congress of the youth league in Pyongyang in the latter half of August, Juche 105 (2016).

Also adopted at the meeting was a decision on changing chairman and vice-chairman of the Central Committee, provincial, city and county committees of the youth league into first secretary and secretary, and changing chairman and vice-chairman of the basic youth league organizations at all levels into secretary and vice-secretary.

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