calendar>>May 30. 2016 Juche 105
Enlarged Plenary Meeting of C.C., DWUK Held
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- The 73rd Enlarged Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea (DWUK) was held here on Monday.

Present there were members and alternate members of the C.C., the DWUK and its officials in Pyongyang and local areas.

The meeting discussed the issue of implementing the tasks set forth by supreme leader Kim Jong Un in his report made at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

The speakers said that Kim Jong Un's report is an immortal great programme which indicated a bright blueprint for bringing earlier the final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution including the strategic line for further strengthening the WPK and building a socialist power and tasks for carrying it out.

They underlined the need for the organizations of the women's union to firmly arm the officials and the members of the women's union with the basic spirit of the Seventh Congress of the WPK and conduct the powerful ideological work for arousing all of them to implementing the decision of the party congress.

They underscored the need for all the members of the women's union to turn out as one in the 200-day campaign of loyalty and powerfully conduct various mass movements and a do-good-thing movement to contribute to carrying out the plan for national economy this year, the first year of implementing the five-year strategy for the state economic development.

They stressed the need to conduct the activities of the shock brigades of the women's union to suit the regional characteristics and launch the brisk agitation for increased production to arouse the working people to implementing the tasks set forth at the Seventh Congress of the WPK through the movement for creating the Mallima speed.

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