calendar>>May 30. 2016 Juche 105
Koreans in China Vow to Make Tangible Contribution to National Reunification
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Zhongnan Regional Association of the General Association of Koreans in China in a statement on May 19 said that the new line and policies for national reunification clarified by supreme leader Kim Jong Un at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) are the principle of national independence and great national unity acceptable to anyone as they are the most fair and aboveboard great programmes for reunification.

The statement said that all the Koreans should bear in mind that if they adhere to and implement the new line and policies for national reunification, they can certainly achieve the goal of reunification desired by all Koreans but if they derail from the line and policies, the Korean nation cannot escape from the whirlwind of constant division and danger of war and cannot avoid self-ruin in the end.

The Koreans in China will strengthen the might of the great national unity thousand-fold despite the manifold ordeals and difficulties and make tangible contribution to achieving the cause of reunification despite the raging wind against reunification by dint of the tremendous might, it said, and went on:

The south Korean authorities should think twice at the crucial crossroads of survival and ruin and make a responsible option.

The south Korean people from all walks of life should heartily respond to the warm and patriotic appeal made by the peerlessly great man with valiant practice for national reunification at this historic moment when the bright dawn shines in the development of inter-Korean relations and the prospect for national reunification.

Our overseas Koreans will discharge our duty to achieve the final victory in the struggle for national reunification and build without fail a dignified and prosperous reunified power on this land to be looked up to by the world.

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