calendar>>May 30. 2016 Juche 105
Chairman of C.C., Catholic Association of Korea Calls for Opening up Bright Future of Reunified Country
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Kang Ji Yong, chairman of the Central Committee of the Catholic Association of Korea, in a statement on Monday said all the Catholics in the north fully supported the report made by supreme leader Kim Jong Un at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in which he clearly indicated the path of building a socialist power, accomplishing the cause of national reunification and realizing the cause of global independence.

At the Seventh Congress of the WPK Kim Jong Un clarified the Juche-based line and policies for national reunification to weather the difficulties lying in the way of national reunification and pave a wide avenue to national reunification, and the ways for doing so, the chairman said, and went on:

Kim Jong Un's Juche-based line and policies for national reunification are the most fair and aboveboard great programmes and patriotic strategy for national reunification.

There is no reason for the Koreans to mistrust and stand in confrontation with each other for differing ideologies, social systems and isms as they lived harmoniously in one and the same territory as a homogenous nation.

The entire Korean nation aspiring after national reconciliation, unity, peace and reunification should get united close as one irrespective of faction and affiliation and turn out in a nationwide patriotic struggle to ensure durable peace on the Korean peninsula and reunify the country by federal formula under the unfurled banner of national independence, great national unity, and make a tangible contribution to it.

We will make every possible effort to build a dignified and prospering reunified power on this land in hearty response to the noble intention of Kim Jong Un, the peerless patriot, for national reunification.

The Central Committee of the Catholic Association of Korea expresses expectation that all Catholic organizations and Catholics in south Korea and abroad would positively turn out in the sacred struggle for paving a wide avenue to national reunification by the concerted efforts of the Koreans, true to the patriotic appeal of Kim Jong Un.

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