calendar>>May 30. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Regime's Suppression of Pro-Reunification Organizations Denounced
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- The Korea Solidarity for Independent Reunification and Democracy in south Korea held a press conference in Seoul on May 27 denouncing the authorities' vicious violence, according to Minjok Ilbo, south Korean internet newspaper.

The speakers at the press conference recalled that a member of the Solidarity detained by the authorities' repressive action started a hunger strike behind bars in protest against the prosecution authorities' unreasonable act of sentencing him to prison terms on May 26.

The organization has conducted the reunification movement in the spirit of the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration, they said.

Declaring they can never tolerate the detainment of pro-reunification activists by invoking laws against human rights and reunification, they vowed to actively cooperate with the member of the organization in his hunger strike behind bars.

A press release was read out at the press conference.

It said that the "government" is intensifying the suppression of the Solidarity.

Not content with its operation for searching and arresting members of the solidarity, the regime is now working hard to disband it after labeling it as "enemy-benefiting one", they noted, adding this reveals the fascist nature of the present regime.

The press release demanded the present chief executive keen on human rights abuses step down at once.

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