calendar>>May 30. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Accuses S. Korean Authorities of Their Suppression of Pro-reunification Figures
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- The south Korean conservative authorities recently evoked the "Security Law" against the members of the South Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration, terming their meeting with those from the north abroad an "illegal contact" and crying out for "crucial step." The authorities charged the members with their participation in the meeting of the chairmen of All-Korean Committee for Implementation of June 15 Joint Declaration for the discussion of the events to mark the 16th anniversary of the joint declaration and the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation.

Rodong Sinmun Monday observes in a commentary in this regard:

The conservative authorities' suppression of the above-said pro-reunification figures is an unpardonable fascist violence of confrontation maniacs to stand in the way of national reconciliation and unity and chill the ever-growing atmosphere of national reunification.

Such suppression is aimed to rattle the nerves of the north through suppression at any cost and thus dampen the desire for improving the inter-Korean relations, the commentary says, and goes on:

For this reason, the south Korean ruling quarters betrayed their intention to crack down without hesitation upon those related to reunification movement on charges of meeting with those from the north, prompted by their design to stem the trend toward improved north-south relations, escalate confrontation and tension and, furthermore, keep international cooperation in stifling the DPRK.

Lurking behind the said suppression racket is their base plot to divert elsewhere the public attention by creating a terror-ridden atmosphere of tyranny and thus tide over the extreme ruling crisis and prolong their remaining days.

The south Korean authorities should be well aware that their madcap fascist suppression contrary to the trend of the times toward improved inter-Korean relations would result in towering public resentment.

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