calendar>>May 30. 2016 Juche 105
Japanese Organizations Demand S. Korean Authorities Repatriate DPRK Women
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Japanese organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people staged actions protesting against the south Korean authorities for having dismissed the just demand of the international community for repatriation of the abducted DPRK citizens.

They included the Japan Committee for the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea, the Japan-Korea Society for Scientific and Educational Interchange, the Japanese Women's Society for Solidarity with the Korean Women, the Kanagawa Prefectural Fact-Finding Group for the Probe into the Truth about the Forcible Drafting of Koreans, the Saitama Prefectural People's Council for Japan-Korea Friendship and Solidarity, the Gunma Prefectural People's Council for Japan-Korea Friendship and Solidarity, the Nagano Prefectural People's Council for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea, the Hyogo Prefectural Women's Society for Thinking of Korean Issue and the Kyoto Women's Council for the Promotion of Japan-Korea Friendship.

They separately sent letters of protest to the south Korean embassy and consulate in Japan.

The Japan Committee for the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea said in a letter of protest on May 13:

The south Korean authorities' abduction of DPRK citizens is a grave violation of human rights of the Korean people that can never be pardoned.

If the south Korean authorities have a shred of consciousness about human rights, they should make an apology to the DPRK for their abduction and send back the DPRK women to their homeland.

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