calendar>>May 29. 2016 Juche 105
Korean Youth in Japan Denounce S. Korean Regime's Abduction of DPRK Citizens
Pyongyang, May 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Ju, chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the Korean Youth League in Japan, released a statement on May 26 in protest against the south Korean regime's allurement and abduction of DPRK women citizens.

All Korean youths and students in Japan hardly repress their bitterest anger at the south Korean regime's hideous act of terrorism, the group allurement and abduction of the DPRK women citizens before taking them to south Korea, the statement said, adding:

The south Korean authorities are forcing the abductees to "defect" through all sorts of appeasement, deception, threat and blackmail, not content with painting them as "voluntary defectors", a thrice-cursed atrocity.

The statement demanded the south Korean regime make an apology for its hideous human rights abuse and immediately send the abductees back home.

All Korean youths and students in Japan will stage a dynamic struggle to intensify solidarity and alliance with youths and students in the north, the south and abroad and join foreign youths and students including those in Japan in the actions to foil the south Korean regime's moves for confrontation with the compatriots in the north and seek the repatriation of the DPRK citizens, it noted.

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