calendar>>May 29. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Chief Executive Accused of Turning down DPRK's Proposal for Dialogue
Pyongyang, May 29 (KCNA) -- Newspapers here Sunday in their commentaries denounce the south Korean authorities for taking an improper attitude of turning down the DPRK's proposal for dialogue.

Shortly ago, a spokesman for the Ministry of Unification of south Korea talked nonsense that the DPRK's proposal for north-south military authorities' talks is aimed to incite "conflict in south" and make "a crack in the international sanctions against the north". A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense also took negative attitude toward the proposal, talking volumes about the "will for denuclearization" and "practical action."

The south Korean ruling quarters' unreasonable denial of the proposal is nothing but a very irresponsible and imprudent behavior, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:

It is the unshakable stand and will of the DPRK to solve the issue of the inter-Korean relations facing catastrophe through dialogue and negotiations, not by confrontation and military clash.

The north-south relations reached an extreme politico-military standoff.

Dialogue and negotiations are the way for putting the grave situation under control.

The south Korean authorities are rebuffed and condemned by the public for having pushed the inter-Korean relations to the worst catastrophe and created the extreme danger of war by pursuing the unprecedented confrontation policy. It would be nothing bad in every aspect for them to accept the DPRK's proposal for dialogue.

They had better stop misleading the public over the issue of dialogue and behave themselves, clearly understanding the DPRK's will for dialogue for detente and peace on the Korean peninsula and improved inter-Korean relations.

Minju Joson warns that if the south Korean authorities turn down the DPRK's sincere proposal for dialogue with far-fetched assertions quite contrary to the trend of the times and the public mind-set, they will only commit indelible disgrace and crimes to be recorded in the history of the nation.

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