calendar>>May 29. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un's Election as Chairman of WPK Hailed in Russia, Nigeria
Pyongyang, May 29 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held by the Russian Khabarovsk Territorial Society for the Study of the Juche Idea and Experience in Socialist Construction of the DPRK, a book exhibition at a Koryo healthcare center in Nigeria and film shows at hospitals in Nigeria from May 19 to 24 to congratulate Marshal Kim Jong Un on his election as chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

On display at the venue of the book exhibition were publications introducing the DPRK's true picture.

The participants of the film shows watched "The Monument to Party Founding" and other Korean films.

The chairperson of the above-said Russian society said that Kim Jong Un's election as chairman of the WPK was an event of very weighty significance in carrying out the cause of the Juche revolution, adding:

The DPRK's socialist cause is making a long drive entirely because the issue of succession to the leadership was successfully solved.

Under his leadership, the WPK and Korean people will carry out the tasks set forth at the congress and build a thriving socialist nation without fail.

A congratulatory message to Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting held in Russia.

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