calendar>>May 20. 2016 Juche 105
Spring Mingyuegou Meeting, Historic Event in Korean Revolution
Pyongyang, May 20 (KCNA) -- It has been 85 years after the Spring Mingyuegou Meeting was held in the period of anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.

The meeting was convened in May Juche 20 (1931) to eradicate the harmful aftereffects of the failed "Left" adventurist uprising by factionalists imbued with flunkeyism and hasten on a full scale the preparations for armed struggle against the Japanese imperialist aggressors by closely rallying the revolutionary forces.

President Kim Il Sung called a meeting of cadres of the party and the Young Communist League at Mingyuegou, Yanji County of China, and made a historic speech "Let Us Repudiate the 'Left' Adventurist Line and Follow the Revolutionary Organizational Line".

In his speech he analyzed and reviewed the true nature of the May 30 Uprising and put forward the revolutionary organizational line of uniting the whole Korean nation into a political force by firmly rallying the masses of workers, peasants and intellectuals and banding together the anti-Japanese forces of all other social sections around them.

He indicated the tasks for building up a hard core of leadership and enhancing its independent role, restoring and consolidating the ruined mass organizations and enlisting people from all walks of life in them and tempering the masses in the practical struggle.

His speech garnered absolute support from all the participants in the meeting, who accepted it as a guiding principle for bringing over large masses of people.

Since then, many revolutionary organizations were restored rapidly and went into active operation.

Thanks to such precious exploits and tradition made during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the Korean army and people could fully display the might of their single-minded unity around the Party and the leader in each period and at every stage of the developing revolution.

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