calendar>>May 20. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Praises Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il for Performing Feats in Accomplishing Cause of Global Independence
Pyongyang, May 20 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, the great leaders of the DPRK, worked heart and soul for the Korean revolution and the cause of global independence and performed the greatest exploits which no other great man in the world could ever do, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in an article.

Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il were the peerlessly great men who protected peace and security in Northeast Asia and other parts of the world and the cause of human independence by providing Songun revolutionary leadership, the article notes, and goes on:

After clarifying the revolutionary truth that one can beat back an armed enemy with arms only, the great leaders waged a strenuous struggle to frustrate the war moves of the U.S.-led imperialists.

They were prominent leaders who held high the Juche-oriented banner of socialism, proved the truth and advantages of socialism both in theory and practice and put spurs to the world socialist movement in the period of ordeal when it was undergoing a serious frustration.

Even under the grim circumstances and complicated international situation they conducted principled and energetic external activities to ensure that the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) increased the international prestige and influence of the DPRK and wisely led the WPK to play its pioneer's role in the struggle for the cause of human independence.

The Korean revolution and the cause of global independence developed and advanced under their immortal leadership, following their gigantic footprints.

The world progressives are, therefore, highly praising them as outstanding leaders and standard-bearers of the cause of global independence.

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