calendar>>May 20. 2016 Juche 105
Foreign Broadcasting Services Air Their Reporters' Impressions of DPRK
Pyongyang, May 20 (KCNA) -- Foreign broadcasting services aired their reporters' impressions of the DPRK.

The CBC of Canada conveyed its press corps' reports on events which took place in Pyongyang on May 10 as follows:

The Pyongyang mass rally and public procession took place at Kim Il Sung Square with splendor in the presence of supreme leader Kim Jong Un on May 10 in celebration of the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

The public procession demonstrated the absolute support for the leader.

The support for Kim Jong Un was fully displayed at the April 25 House of Culture.

We covered this historic congress.

Shouts of "hurrah!" rocked the venue of the congress packed with the participants.

Kim Jong Un acknowledged their cheers.

The recent congress fully supported all its agenda items and provided a significant occasion in uniting all the people closer around Kim Jong Un.

Radio Sputnik of Russia conveyed the following impressions given by its reporter Andrei Ivanov under the title of "True picture of the DPRK" on May 12:

We toured various places in the DPRK.

We visited the old home of President Kim Il Sung in Mangyongdae and the Pyongyang Metro.

The metro looked like a palace.

There are mosaics depicting President Kim Il Sung.

There are also mosaics truthfully depicting the beautiful appearance of Pyongyang, happy agricultural workers and beautiful landscape of countryside.

A modern electric car made by the DPRK is under operation.

Western journalists are not properly reporting about them. There were not a few reporters among them who claimed the DPRK had nothing but the metro and missiles to be proud of.

This was a very wrong view.

On the same day, The Nation TV Broadcasting Service of Thailand conveyed an account of the interviews with its advisor and the editor-in-chief, while showing Koreans spending the holiday at the Munsu Water Park and the Rungna People's Pleasure Park as follows:

Asked about their impressions of the DPRK, the advisor and the editor-in-chief said that Thais' understanding of the DPRK and its reality offered a sharp contrast to what we have seen. Wherever we went, we saw for ourselves happy and cheerful people.

Visiting Kim Il Sung University, we realized that the level of Korean students was very higher than that of Thai students. When we asked if their country could overcome the West's sanctions, the students proudly said the reporters could witness for themselves how it stood firm against them. Through dialogues with many people, we were firmly convinced that the DPRK's future was rosy.

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