calendar>>May 19. 2016 Juche 105
Preserving Peace on Korean Peninsula Is Urgent, Realistic Task: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- Preserving peace and security on the Korean peninsula is a vital issue related to the destiny of the nation and a prerequisite to national reunification, says Rodong Sinmun Thursday in an article.

It goes on:

The Korean peninsula is in the fragile state of armistice and both sides of the north and the south are standing in acute confrontation with the Military Demarcation Line in between.

If the peace and security fail to be achieved on the peninsula, the most dangerous hotspot in the world, instable situation will pose a threat to the existence and development of our nation and bring horrible disaster of a war to this inviolable territory of the country.

The north-south relations can never improve nor can the independent and peaceful reunification of the country be achieved, if the tension escalates and danger of a nuclear war increases on the peninsula.

Therefore, the Workers' Party of Korea put forward it as an important policy to ensure the peace and security on the peninsula and has made positive efforts to realize it.

The U.S. and the south Korean ruling forces, however, have seriously violated the peace and security on the peninsula with their reckless racket of provoking a war against the DPRK while going against the its efforts to preserve peace.

The U.S. should clearly understand the strategic position of the DPRK which ranked itself among the nuclear powers and the trend of the times, roll back its anachronistic hostile policy toward the DPRK, replace the Armistice Agreement with a peace agreement and withdraw aggression forces and war equipment from south Korea.

The south Korean authorities should stop all reckless politically-motivated military provocations and war drills which oppose the fellow countrymen and endanger the peace and security on the peninsula by kowtowing to the U.S.

The Workers' Party of Korea will as ever preserve peace and security on the peninsula under the uplifted banner of Songun and dynamically accelerate the patriotic cause to achieve national reunification and prosperity.

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