calendar>>May 19. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Moves to Stifle DPRK Slammed by German Body
Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- The Anti-Imperialist Forum of Germany released a statement on May 9 in protest against the U.S. and its followers' moves to stifle the DPRK.

Noting the U.S. and south Korea and other followers' lack of ability to understand the reality began to be showed up with pathological symptoms, the statement said:

Far from recognizing the DPRK's full-fledged status as a nuclear weapons state to defend its sovereignty, peace and gains of socialism, they are behaving like a psychopath, desperately denying the status.

Serious is that the Western governments are apt to see the reality through blurred glasses due to decades-long anti-DPRK false propaganda.

The UN is behaving like a paper tiger, bereft of reason, after yielding to the unjust demand of the U.S. and its lackeys.

The UN should be reformed without delay and become the one speaking for justice where sound and reasonable countries are large in number.

It is just the U.S. and its followers which should be taken to an international court.

They deserve punishment for masterminding human rights abuses, war provocations and massacres in this era.

This is useful to Western countries including Germany troubled with the refugee crisis and is the only way of eradicating its root cause.

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