calendar>>May 19. 2016 Juche 105
Successful End of 7th Congress of WPK Observed by Russian Paper
Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- The Russian newspaper Zavtra No. 19 carried an article titled "Congratulations to the leader" and "Sacred flames of Juche" illustrated with a photo of the statues of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il written by Editor-in-Chief Alexandr Prokhanov.

The newspaper referred to the successful conclusion of the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) held in Pyongyang and said:

The Western "civilization" can not understand Juche.

The might of Juche was proved by the great and protracted history of the DPRK which defeated the monsters' attack and won a victory in a war with them and built its own style civilized nation.

The theory of Juche deals with the strength and ability of human being.

The newspaper referred to the position and role of the leader in the revolution and construction and went on:

Today the DPRK has the world-startling firmness and peculiar and original power.

A lot of countries and people of the world yielded to the U.S. this or that way and reduced into its colonies.

But only the DPRK overcame the monsters' pressure.

The article extended warm congratulations to Kim Jong Un on his election as chairman of the WPK.

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