calendar>>May 19. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Inspects Machine Plant
Pyongyang, May 19 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, provided field guidance to the machine plant managed by Ho Chol Yong.

Kim Jong Un instructed the officials and workers of the plant to produce new type modern huge machines and equipment during the 70-day campaign in the run-up to the Seventh Congress of the WPK, reposing deep trust in them.

He personally took a step to ensure the serial production of new type world-level modern machines and equipment developed for the first time in the country, frequently learned about the problems arising in doing so and personally settled them one by one.

The officials and workers of the plant successfully produced dozens of highly efficient modern Korean-style machines and equipment entirely by their own efforts and supplied them to various units of the national economy.

Appreciating a lot of efforts made by them to carry out their huge production plan in a matter of 70 days, he highly praised the workers of the plant for presenting an excellent gift to the Seventh Congress of the WPK by fulfilling their pledge made to the WPK without fail.

All products under contract including the core parts used for manufacturing machines and equipment were made entirely by our own efforts and with indigenous technology and materials, he noted, adding that self-development serves as a rich source of working such a miracle and nothing is impossible when the self-development-first principle is given full play.

Recalling that the party has recently guided the work for updating many machine plants as required by the age of knowledge-based economy after making a decision to bring about a leap forward in the nation's machine-building industry, he said that this plant is now capable of successfully producing machines and equipment which it can boast to the world and proudly ranked itself among front-rankers of the Mallima movement.

He went round the construction site of modernizing the steel casting shop and the room for disseminating science and technology.

What is important for modernizing the steel casting shop is to maximize the proportion of local production at the manufacturing and technical processes, he said. Calling on the plant to modernize the steel casting shop till the founding anniversary of the WPK this year under the strong backing of the party, he took a measure for doing so.

He set forth the tasks to be fulfilled by the plant, underscoring the need to dynamically push ahead with the modernization of all production processes under a long-range plan while carrying out the project for updating the steel casting shop.

He expressed expectation and belief that the officials and workers of the plant would perform miracles and feats in producing modern highly-efficient machines and equipment as intended by the party, always bearing in mind they have a very important duty to fulfill in the drive for achieving the prosperity of the country. He had a photo session with them.

He was accompanied by Ri Man Gon, vice-chairman of the WPK Central Committee, and Jo Yong Won, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee.

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