calendar>>May 18. 2016 Juche 105
Chongryon Vice-Chairwoman Supports Policy of National Reunification Set Forth by Kim Jong Un
Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- Kang Chu Ryon, vice-chairwoman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and chairwoman of the Central Standing Committee of the Korean Democratic Women's Union in Japan, made public a statement on May 17 in support of the policy of national reunification set forth by supreme leader Kim Jong Un at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Kim Jong Un in his report on the review of the work of the Party Central Committee advanced a strategic task and ways and clarified the policy of the struggle to accomplish the historic cause of national reunification, the statement noted, adding:

The policy of national reunification advanced by Kim Jong Un is a fair proposal that can be accepted by anyone who has the blood vessel of the Korean nation, be they in the north, the south or abroad.

If the proposal is put into practice, Korea will demonstrate its dignity and might to the world as a thriving nation with tremendous national power, a country which outpaces the world with the spirit and wisdom peculiar to the nation and a powerful nation of justice that would spearhead peace in Northeast and the world.

All the officials of the women's union and other Korean women in Japan warmly support and welcome the policy of national reunification which reflects the efforts of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un's love for the country, the people and the rising generation.

We will carry out our patriotic duty in the struggle to open up a broad avenue to independent reunification, full of the conviction and optimism that the Korea is sure to be reunified under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, leader of the Juche cause, and that only this will guarantee the happy future of all Korean women in the north and the south and abroad and their beloved children.

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