calendar>>May 18. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Media Denounces Chief Executive over Appointment of Presidential Chief of Staff
Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- The south Korean internet newspaper Voice of People on May 16 carried an editorial titled "Chongwadae personnel affairs this time is a challenge to people's mindset" in denunciation of the chief executive's arbitrary practices.

The editorial referred to the fact that the chief executive on May 15 appointed Ri Won Jong, former chairman of the Committee for Regional Development, as the presidential chief of staff.

Through the appointment of Ri Won Jong, the chief executive revealed her intention to use persons loved by Park Chung-Hee, the editorial said, and went on:

By appointing Kang Sok Hun, lawmaker from the "Saenuri Party", as senior secretary for economic affairs, the chief executive showed the will to use pro-Park personages in administering the state affairs in the latter half period of her rule.

A month ago, the angry people punished the ruling party in the general election. Nevertheless, the chief executive is denying the change.

The editorial warned that if the chief executive persists in her stubbornness, she would face punishment bitterer than that at the time of the general election by the people.

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