calendar>>May 18. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Educational Workers to Contribute to Building Highly Civilized Socialist Nation
Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- Educational workers in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are hardening their will to implement the tasks set forth at the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The historic report made by supreme leader Kim Jong Un at the congress serves as a great programme for building a highly civilized socialist nation, a guideline that all the educational workers should always hold fast to, Ri Kwan Ho, a leading official of the Education Commission, told KCNA.

He said:

Kim Jong Un in the report advanced the tasks and ways for turning our country into a power of talents through further development of education.

We will strive to preserve the true nature of socialist education and perfect the country's advantageous educational system in keeping with the requirements of the times and the revolution and the global trend of educational development.

Ju Hyon Il, department director of the Ministry of Higher Education, said:

We will develop major universities of the country into an educational science research center, a center for international academic exchanges, and decisively raise the level of education and sci-tech research and development at them to the world standard.

Our efforts will be concentrated on the work to put the educational contents on a practical, comprehensive and modern basis, introduce the profitable and superior teaching methods and radically improve the quality of teachers.

Kim Song Il, department director of the Ministry of General Education, said:

We, officials in the field of general education, are ready to train rising generations for all-round talents.

We will work hard to improve the contents and methods of general secondary schooling and apply various forms of education suited to the regional economic and geographical features.

Our efforts will be also made to renovate the educational conditions and environment so as to put the material and technological foundations for education on a higher level.

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