calendar>>May 18. 2016 Juche 105
Italian Body and Personage Congratulate Kim Jong Un on His Election as WPK Chairman
Pyongyang, May 18 (KCNA) -- The Italy-DPRK Cultural Association made public a statement on May 12.

Sincerely congratulating supreme leader Kim Jong Un on his election to the top post of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the statement said:

His election as chairman of the WPK is an expression of the unanimous will, desire and trust of all Korean people in him who pursues the policy for their happiness.

We whole-heartedly hope that the DPRK led by him would prosper for all ages as a powerful nation.

Mauro Cazadio, coordinator of the Organization of Communists of Italy issued a statement on the same day in which he manifested his joy over Kim Jong Un's election as chairman of the WPK, reiterating his active support for the socialist cause of the WPK and the Korean people.

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