calendar>>May 17. 2016 Juche 105
Line of National Reunification Reflects Kim Jong Un's Ardent Patriotism
Pyongyang, May 17 (KCNA) -- The line of national reunification clarified by Marshal Kim Jong Un in his report on the review of the work of the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) serves as a great programme for reunification reflective of his firm faith and will and warm patriotism to put an earliest end to the tragic division of the nation and build a reunified and powerful country without fail.

Kim Jong Un said that we should not allow the national split to persist any longer but reunify the country in our generation without fail.

It is the fixed resolution and will of the WPK to carry out the lifelong intentions and behests of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and achieve the independent reunification of the country at any cost.

The WPK's line of national reunification is a Juche-oriented reunification line advanced by the great leaders.

The idea, line and policies for national reunification clarified by Kim Jong Un this time is the over-all inheritance and development in depth of the idea and line of independent reunification and the most fair and aboveboard reunification proposals advanced by the great leaders.

The cause of national reunification is aimed to re-link the blood ties of the nation and achieve national unity.

The WPK's line of national reunification calling for making positive efforts to overcome all sorts of misunderstanding, mistrust, contradiction and conflict caused by the division and bring about the great unity of the nation, mainstay of national reunification, is a great programme for reunification that brightly illuminates the path for achieving independent reunification, peace and prosperity by the concerted efforts of the nation.

Kim Jong Un has foiled the challenge and obstructions of the separatists at home and abroad and wisely led the struggle for national reunification.

On several occasions in the recent period he clarified the principled stand on creating an atmosphere of improving the relations between the north and the south.

The National Defence Commission of the DPRK sent a crucial proposal to the south Korean authorities and sent an open letter to the south Korean authorities and several political parties, social organizations and people from all walks of life. It also made a special proposal to the south Korean authorities out of the desire to open up a fresh phase for improving the north-south relations by holding fast to the three principles of national reunification. This is also indicative of his principled stand.

It was thanks to his patriotic will and bold decision for reunification that the north-south high-level contact was made, the reunions of separated families and relatives were ensured and a large group of players of the north side took part in the 17th Asian Games, presenting touching scenes of promoting national reconciliation and unity despite the grim situation, in which the anti-DPRK confrontational racket was frantically kicked up in south Korea.

The report made at the recent historic Party Congress called on all the Koreans to get united as one irrespective of ideology, ism and political belief for the great goal of national reunification.

The differing ideologies and social systems existing in the north and the south can never be a reason for the same nation to mistrust and stand in confrontation with each other. The ism and interests of classes and strata can never be an obstacle to the unity of the nation.

The political parties and organizations at all levels in the north and the south have to realize contacts, visits, solidarity and alliance and create an atmosphere of reconciliation and unity.

The WPK's line of national reunification is the result of the bold decision made by Kim Jong Un out of patriotism and his noble will to put an end to mistrust and confrontation between the north and the south and usher in the new era of national reunification through national reconciliation and unity.

Kim Jong Un is the lodestar of national reunification and the great national unity who is possessed of noble intention and firm patriotic will for reunification and broad magnanimity and virtue of embracing all the fellow countrymen.

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