calendar>>May 15. 2016 Juche 105
Korean in China Highly Praises Kim Jong Un
Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- The election of supreme leader Kim Jong Un as chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) is the greatest fortune for all the Korean people and great auspicious event in the history of the nation.

Cha Sang Bo, vice-chairman of the General Association of Koreans in China who is heading the congratulatory group of the association for celebrating the Seventh Congress of the WPK, said this when he was interviewed by KCNA on May 15.

He went on:

I can never forget the day when I had the greatest fortune of reading out the congratulatory message to Kim Jong Un and presenting him with a congratulatory banner at the platform of the Party Congress.

I was very excited when I looked up to the image of the benevolent and kind-hearted leader full of energy. Listening to his resounding voice, I felt great strength surging up in me.

He unrolled a grandiose design for achieving a final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution at the Seventh Congress of the WPK.

When I recall the report made at the congress line by line, I feel like the rosy future of the reunified homeland which is just ahead, homeland which would demonstrate its dignity and might as a world-level power possessed of tremendous national power and an advanced and highly civilized nation which goes ahead of the world with strong spirit and bravery and outstanding wisdom of the nation.

Our fellow countrymen are really the most proud nation in the world as they are led by the distinguished leader.

We will further consolidate the General Association of Koreans in China into the Kim Jong Un's overseas citizens organization by keeping pace with the people in the homeland making a dynamic advance to carry out the tasks set forth at the Party Congress.

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