calendar>>May 15. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Issues Detailed Report on Conclusion of WPK Seventh Congress as Glorious One of Victory
Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency on Saturday issued a detailed report as regards that the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) attained its goal thanks to the loyalty and trust of all the party members, servicepersons and people and was concluded as the congress of victory and glory.

According to the detailed report, the WPK Seventh Congress, at which the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was elected chairman of the WPK and a great programme was laid down for the final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution, was the most significant, great assembly marking the watershed in the struggle to accomplish the great cause of Paektu under the banner of the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

The shining victory of the Seventh Congress of the WPK is the brilliant fruition of the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

On October 30, Juche 104 (2015) the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK decided to convene the Seventh Congress in reflection of the requirements of the party and the developing revolution.

Upon hearing the decision of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, the servicepersons and people rose up as one toward May of victory, burning their hearts with the fever to make a revolution and fight to glorify the Seventh Congress as the greatest heyday of the revolution.

The whole party, the entire army and all the people turned out in the 70-day campaign of loyalty in response to the appeal of the WPK Central Committee to greet the Seventh Congress with the greatest successes and highest labor feats after the joint calls of the Party Central Committee and the Party Central Military Commission and a letter of the Party Central Committee to all the party members were made public in February, 2016 on the occasion of the Seventh Congress.

Model units for general charge were created in the major fronts including electric power, coal, metallurgical and machine building industries, light industry, agriculture, construction, scientific research and sports fields and the movements for overtaking others, learning from others and exchanging experience were conducted in every part of the country and, as a result, the successes to be presented as gifts to the Seventh Congress were recorded in the pages of the 70-day campaign books.

Provincial, city and county party conferences took place in the run-up to the Seventh Congress.

The conference of the Korean People's Army of the WPK held on April 12 and 13 elected the respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un as delegate to the Seventh Congress.

Decisions on electing Kim Jong Un as delegate to the Seventh Congress were adopted at all provincial party conferences with a unanimous approval.

All the provincial party conferences reviewed their work done since the Sixth Congress, elected new leadership organs and elected and nominated officials and party members as delegates and observers to the Seventh Congress.

A decision of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee on holding the Seventh Congress in Pyongyang on May 6 was released.

The participants of the congress arrived here on May 2 with the successes achieved in the 70-day campaign.

They laid floral baskets before the statues of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill and paid tribute to them. They also visited the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, the sacred temple of Juche, where the great leaders lie in state, and paid tribute to them.

Senior party and state officials and officials of the party and armed forces organs visited the lodging quarters of the participants to congratulate them.

A national photo exhibition and a national art exhibition for celebrating the Seventh Congress of the WPK were opened here.

On the occasion of the Seventh Congress, Kim Jong Un received congratulatory messages and letters, floral baskets, gifts, medals, titles of honor and diplomas from foreign party and state leaders, political parties, organizations, organizations for the study of the Juche idea, personages of various circles and the diplomatic corps, the military attaches corps, the economic and commercial councilors corps, diplomatic envoys and the missions of the international organizations here.

Congratulatory messages, letters and floral baskets were sent to the Party Congress and the WPK Central Committee by foreign political parties, party leaders, organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people and organizations for the study of the Juche idea and personages of various circles.

The Seventh Congress of the WPK was opened with splendor on May 6.

Kim Jong Un made an opening address.

All the participants of the congress observed a moment's silence in memory of the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, patriotic martyrs, officials, working people and pro-reunification patriotic figures at the suggestion of Kim Jong Un.

The congress elected Kim Jong Un to its presidium.

Congratulatory messages of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and the General Association of Koreans in China to Kim Jong Un were read out and silk banners politely presented to him.

The congress introduced the fact that the Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front sent a congratulatory message and silk banner and the Central Committee of the Korean Social Democratic Party and the Central Committee of the Chondoist Chongu Party sent congratulatory messages and silk banners to the congress.

The congress sent congratulatory messages to the service personnel of the Korean People's Army and the Korean People's Internal Security Forces and to the working people and officials of the institutions, industrial establishments and cooperative farms.

Kim Jong Un made a report on the review of the work of the C.C., the WPK.

Speeches were made to thoroughly implement the important tasks set forth in his report.

He indicated the issues arising in carrying out the tasks set forth in his report on the review of the work of the C.C., the WPK in his conclusion made at the third-day sitting of the Party Congress, setting forth to the party, the army and the people of the DPRK the fighting slogan "Let the whole Party, the entire army and all the people go all out for the implementation of the tasks advanced at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea to hasten the final victory of the Juche revolution!"

A congratulatory message to the Seventh Congress of the WPK from all the service personnel and people was read out at the congress and a decision on "Review of the Work of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea" wad adopted with the approval of all delegates.

The congratulatory groups of the Korean Children's Union and the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League presented floral baskets to Kim Jong Un and read out their congratulatory messages.

The congress adopted a decision on revising "The Rules of the Workers' Party of Korea".

The congress elected Kim Jong Un as chairman of the WPK on May 9.

It declared that Kim Jong Un was elected member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and chairman of the Party Central Military Commission according to the rules of the WPK and the rules of the election of the supreme leadership organ of the WPK.

The 1st Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the WPK elected the Presidium of the Political Bureau and the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and organized its Executive Policy Council and the WPK Central Military Commission headed by Kim Jong Un.

Published at the congress was an appeal of the Seventh Congress of the WPK to all the service personnel, young people and other people "Make an all-out charge for the complete victory of socialism by launching the Mallima speed campaign!"

Kim Jong Un made a closing address at the congress.

The congress set forth the high target and fighting programme for building a thriving socialist nation.

The Pyongyang city mass rally and public procession and the torchlight procession of the young vanguard took pace at Kim Il Sung Square on May 10 and a joint performance "Following Our Party Forever" was given by the Moranbong Band, the Chongbong Band and the State Merited Chorus on May 11 to celebrate the Seventh Congress of the WPK.

Kim Jong Un had a photo session with the participants in the congress.

Banquets were given at the Mokran House, the People's Palace of Culture, Okryu Restaurant, Chongryu Restaurant, the Pyongyang Noodle House, Pyongyang Koryo Hotel, Yanggakdo International Hotel, Full-service Ship Mujigae and Restaurant Boat Taedonggang.

During the congress the participants visited Mangyongdae (the birthplace of President Kim Il Sung), the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Mt. Taesong, the historic site associated with the Fatherland Liberation War, the Youth Movement Museum, the Sci-Tech Complex, etc. and looked round the exhibition of machinery and equipment manufactured as labor gifts of loyalty to be presented to the congress.

There took place a workshop for the participants in the congress.

They held a meeting for adopting a letter pledge to Kim Jong Un.

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