calendar>>May 12. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Slams U.S. Absurd Accusations against DPRK's Just Measures for Self-defence
Pyongyang, May 12 (KCNA) -- The U.S. keeps making absurd accusations against the DPRK's just measures for self-defence.

Of late mandarins of the White House and the U.S. State Department spouted out the gibberish that the DPRK's development of nuclear weapons and their delivery system were a provocation causing regional instability and it should honor its commitments and duties.

This is just like a thief shouting "Stop the thief!"

No matter how noisily the U.S. may trumpet about "north Korea's threat and provocation," the U.S. can never deny the justice of the DPRK's measure of bolstering up the nuclear force as it is a just measure to protect the sovereign right of the country and nation from the U.S. moves to stifle it.

The U.S. singled out "toppling the social system" in the DPRK" as one of the major phases for carrying out the strategy for world domination already several decades ago and has since worked hard to implement it.

In 2000 the U.S. drew up a timetable for virtual "collapse," predicting the Korean peninsula would be unified by south Korea in 2015 and has since extremely escalated the nuclear threat to the DPRK.

Last year Obama made the provocative remarks that it was necessary to bring down north Korea as soon as possible and pushed the situation on the peninsula to the brink of a war. This was a direct product of the U.S. hostile policy to enslave the DPRK.

The U.S. moves to stifle the DPRK have reached such a dangerous phase as openly disclosing the scenarios for aggression and preemptive attack on the latter by staging the largest-ever joint military drills Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16.

As seen above, the U.S. is the chieftain of aggression and disturber of peace and security as it has gravely violated the sovereignty and vital right of the DPRK and the Korean nation for the past several decades.

It is quite natural for the DPRK to cope with the U.S. nuclear war moves by bolstering up its nuclear force both in quality and quantity as the U.S. is focusing all its forces on bringing down the DPRK by physical means.

It is none other than the U.S. which should be brought to justice for reneging on its commitments and duties.

The DPRK has made every possible effort to realize the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, pursuant to the September 19 joint statement adopted at the 4th round of the six-party talks.

On Oct. 15, 2008 the U.S. magazine News Week, referring to the DPRK's efforts for denuclearization, said that one may say that the sincerity on the part of north Korea was proven for sure.

The U.S., however, resorted to undisguised hostile military acts and threats to the DPRK, totally breaching the basic idea of the September 19 joint statement in which the former promised to respect the sovereignty of the DPRK and peacefully co-exist with it and it declared it has no intention to attack or invade the DPRK with nuclear or conventional weapons.

Moreover, the U.S. categorically refused to fulfill all its commitments such as provision of light water reactors and energy to the DPRK and promise to opt for building lasting peace-keeping mechanism on the peninsula.

The September 19 joint statement much touted by the hostile forces was thus finally scrapped by the U.S.

Even at this moment the U.S. is busy massively introducing all types of modern military hardware into south Korea and its vicinity to stifle the dignified DPRK at any cost and getting frantic with the "human rights" and "sanctions" rackets.

The DPRK will react to the U.S. hostile moves with tougher countermeasures.

The hostile forces' desperate moves against the DPRK would only cause it to remarkably bolster up its nuclear attack capability.

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