calendar>>May 12. 2016 Juche 105
Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Un from General Association of Koreans in China
Pyongyang, May 12 (KCNA) -- Marshal Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory letter from the General Association of Koreans in China on May 10.

The letter said that Kim Jong Un's election as chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK is a clear manifestation of the absolute support, trust and boundless loyalty of all the Korean people to him and a striking demonstration of the unbreakable unity and cohesion of all the service personnel and people rallied close around him.

The letter extended the greatest glory and the warmest congratulations to Kim Jong Un, chairman of the WPK and kind-hearted father of the overseas Koreans, reflecting the unanimous loyalty of all the Koreans in China.

The report on the review of the work of the Central Committee of the WPK made by Kim Jong Un at its 7th Congress serves as an encyclopedic immortal programme that gave perfect answers to all the questions arising in bringing about prosperity of Juche Korea and accomplishing the great cause of national reunification and the cause of global independence, the letter noted.

All the Koreans in China will become manifold shields and fortress overseas devotedly safeguarding Kim Jong Un, heaven and destiny of the 80 million Koreans, bearing deep in mind the great pride and self-esteem as being members of the nation of the sun, the letter said.

It stressed that the Koreans in China will actively join the motherland, which is demonstrating its might as a politico-ideological power, military power and youth power, in its dynamic advance of the movement for creating the speed of Mallima to rank itself among economic powers and highly civilized powers as early as possible.

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