calendar>>May 12. 2016 Juche 105
Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Un from AINDF Central Committee
Pyongyang, May 12 (KCNA) -- Marshal Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory letter from the Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF) on May 10.

The letter said that Kim Jong Un's election to the top post of the Workers' Party of Korea is a great auspicious event to be specially recorded in accomplishing the cause of the Juche revolution and in the history of movement for national reunification.

The letter pointed out that his election as chairman of the WPK provided a sure guarantee for winning victories in the new historic advance for carrying out the nation's cause of independence and the cause of national reunification.

It said that he is a peerlessly great man and the bright sun of the 21st century as he is leading to victory the cause of the Juche revolution and the cause of national reunification while demonstrating the dignity and the might of Kim Il Sung's nation and Kim Jong Il's Korea with his outstanding ideology, extraordinary leadership and noble virtue.

It noted that today the vanguard fighters and patriotic people from all walks of life in the south are full of enthusiasm to more dynamically wage the movement for national reunification under his leadership with the happiness and pride of having him in the van of the national cause of independence.

It vowed to make all-out efforts to take as important guidelines the Juche-oriented line, policies, proposals and ways for national reunification set forth by Kim Jong Un at the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea and devotedly carry out them.

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