calendar>>May 11. 2016 Juche 105
Letter of Pledge of Participants in Party Congress Adopted
Present at the meeting were Kim Yong Nam, Hwang Pyong So, Pak Pong Ju, Choe Ryong Hae and other members of the party central leadership organ and the participants in the congress.

The letter of pledge was read out by Kim Yong Hun, chairman of the party committee of the Pukchang Area Coal-mining Complex.

It said that all the participants in the Party congress are filled with the steadfast will to certainly achieve the final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution true to the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

It stressed that they will hold President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il as the eternal sun of Juche and Songun and become the first comrades-in-arms and comrades of Kim Jong Un sharing the idea, intention and destiny with him in any storm and stress.

It went on:

We will always think of only Kim Jong Un, breathe with him and go straightly to the end, following the Party in rain and snow.

We will become spark and flame arousing all the service personnel and people to implement the decision of the Seventh Congress of the Party.

We will link the victorious 70-day with 700-day and 7,000-day true to the noble intention of Kim Jong Un to turn the socialist motherland into the most powerful country and paradise of people to be envied by the world as early as possible.

We will firmly prepare ourselves to be political activists of President Kim Il Sung- and Kim Jong Il-style and discharge our mission and duty of the vanguard fighters of the Songun revolution in the drive for implementing the behests of the leaders and the Party's idea and protecting the Party's policies.

All the participants solemnly pledged to glorify the Seventh Congress of the WPK as the glorious one of victors which brought about turning point in developing the Party and building a thriving socialist nation in the history of the WPK forever.

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