calendar>>May 11. 2016 Juche 105
Joint Art Performance Given by Moranbong Band, Chongbong Band, State Merited Chorus
Pyongyang, May 11 (KCNA) -- A joint art performance "Following Our Party Forever" by the Moranbong Band, Chongbong Band and State Merited Chorus was given here with splendor on Wednesday.

Enjoying the performance were members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and senior officials of the party, state and army, the participants in the Seventh Congress of the WPK, officials of the armed forces organs, those who performed shining labor feats in the 70-day campaign of loyalty and working people in Pyongyang.

Among the audience were the congratulatory groups of Koreans in Japan and the General Association of Koreans in China and other overseas Koreans and the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front.

Invited to see the performance were foreign diplomatic envoys and representatives of international organizations here and their spouses, military attaches here and their spouses, staff members of foreign embassies here and foreign guests.

The performance started with music of the National Anthem, divided into parts 1 and 2.

Put on the stage were immortal famous work "Green Pine on Nam Hill" by orchestra and male chorus.

The performers put on the stage light music and serial songs "Long Live the Great Workers' Party of Korea", mixed quartet "The Voice of the Mother" and male serial choruses "Under the Banner of the Party".

They sang high praises of the feasts of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and great happiness and honor of the people who are blessed by the illustrious leaders as they are having supreme leader Kim Jong Un in the van of the party and revolution.

The performance was highly acclaimed by the audience as it showed the eye-opening development of the Juche-based art such as new and peculiar art form with combination of Korean-style light music, orchestra and chorus, unique and refined depiction of singers and their fruity and solemn sound and gorgeous stage decor.

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