calendar>>May 11. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Turns into Youth Power under Kim Jong Un's Guidance
Pyongyang, May 11 (KCNA) -- Under the deep trust and loving care of supreme leader Kim Jong Un, the young people in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are displaying the dignity of the DPRK as a youth power, sharing the idea and will with him.

Some months ago, they finished the construction of Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station No. 3 in less than half a year in the wake of building power station Nos. 1 and 2 as a monumental edifice representing the youth.

Kim Jong Un has pursued the policy of giving importance to youth, with his insight into the distant future of the Korean revolution.

In August Juche 101 (2012) when a touch-and-go situation was prevailing in the Korean Peninsula, he saw to it that the Youth Day was splendidly celebrated as a great auspicious event to be specially recorded in the history of the nation. And he, on his way to inspection of the front, extended a congratulatory message to the participants in the Youth Day celebrations and all other young people of the country.

In April 2015 he visited the Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station under construction, appreciating that its young builders had done a lot of work in the frigid area of Mt. Paektu. Then he called on them to complete the project before the 70th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea and thus show the whole world that 70 years of the WPK is a history of attaching importance to the youth in which a youth power has been built.

Later, he named the power station and attended its inaugural ceremony to praise its young builders' feats, have a photo session with them and watch a grand young soldier-civilian chorus performed by them.

He made sure that the 2nd National Meeting of Young Frontrunners in Noble Traits was held in Pyongyang and had a photo session with its participants. And he sent a message of thanks to the party and youth league organizations which have trained the young people to be forerunners of the era.

Today the youth Koreans are filled with a strong will to remain true to the idea and leadership of Kim Jong Un, chairman of the WPK, and thus demonstrate the prestige and might of the youth power.

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