calendar>>May 11. 2016 Juche 105
Issue of Succession to Leadership Settled in DPRK
Pyongyang, May 11 (KCNA) -- The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was elected chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea at its 7th Congress. It is an expression of the Korean party, army and people's unshakable faith and will to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche through generations.

The WPK has successfully settled the issue of continuity to the leader's idea and cause to carry forward the revolutionary cause of Juche.

President Kim Il Sung founded the immortal Juche idea in his early years and had led the untrodden and arduous Korean revolution to victory for many years, thus displaying the dignity and honor of the nation. And he built a socialist state, independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in defence, in the country to lay a solid foundation for the victorious cause of the Juche revolution.

The 8th Plenary Meeting of the 5th Central Committee of the WPK in February Juche 63 (1974) put forward the great Comrade Kim Jong Il as the heir to the President. Then, Kim Jong Il had further developed the WPK into a Juche-type revolutionary Party and guided the cause of Juche along the road of victory by faithfully inheriting the idea and cause of Kim Il Sung.

He formulated the revolutionary idea of the President as Kimilsungism and conducted his energetic ideo-theoretical activities to exalt the brilliance of Kimilsungism as the great idea in the era of independence. And he realized the cause of perpetuating the memory of the President for the first time in history.

The Third Conference of the WPK in September 2010 elected the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un to a leading position of the Party, again smoothly settling the issue of continuity to the cause of the Juche revolution, the issue of building a party into that of its leader.

The WPK formulated the revolutionary idea of the great leaders as Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and declared the modeling of the whole society on it as the supreme programme of the party.

It took measures to further spruce up the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, where Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il lie in state, as the sacred temple of Juche and erect their statues as well as mosaics picturing their smiling images across the country.

It led all sectors and units of the country to implement the great leaders' behests to the letter, regarding them as the lifeline, so that their glorious history of revolutionary activities can continue along with the prosperous development of the country.

The WPK will always emerge victorious as it has been blessed by the great leaders, reliably inheriting their idea and leadership.

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