calendar>>May 4. 2016 Juche 105
"Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works" Vol. 13 Published
Pyongyang, May 4 (KCNA) -- Vol. 13 of "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works", library of the immortal Juche idea, Songun idea systematically and comprehensively dealing with works of leader Kim Jong Il in chronological order, was brought out in the DPRK.

The book contains 96 works such as talks, speeches and conclusions he made from August, Juche 58 (1969) to April, Juche 59 (1970).

The works deal with the idea of steadily intensifying the work for establishing the party's monolithic ideological system throughout the party and society, regarding it as the key point in the party work and activities, and of doing well the work with the masses from all walks of life so as to more closely rally them around the party and the leader and consolidate the unity and cohesion of the party and people in every way.

They indicate the orientation and ways for resolutely defending the purity of the revolutionary tradition of Juche, sprucing up revolutionary battle sites and revolutionary sites and effectively conducting education through them.

They also deal with the idea that officials should earnestly learn from President Kim Il Sung's revolutionary and popular work method and style and work with correct methodology for carrying out the policies of the party.

They clarify the importance and significance of the work for adapting immortal masterpieces to movies and the issues of bringing about a fresh turn in creating them.

The book also contains works giving answers to the issues arising in economic construction and improvement of the standard of people's living.

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