calendar>>May 4. 2016 Juche 105
KPA Panmunjom Mission Discloses U.S. Criminal War Moves against DPRK
Pyongyang, May 4 (KCNA) -- The Panmunjom mission of the Korean People's Army (KPA) released a memorandum on Tuesday laying bare before the world the hideous criminal war moves against the DPRK stepped up by the U.S. seriously violating peace and security of the country and nation through unprecedented military pressure and offensive while escalating tension on the Korean peninsula.

The memorandum said that the Korean peninsula is the hottest spot in the world where the specter of war is always hovering.

This is clearly proved by the fact that the largest-ever Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 joint military exercises had been staged for more than 50 days since March 7, it noted, and went on:

The war exercises staged by the U.S. which openly declared that they were aimed at acquiring the capability for making a preemptive strike at the DPRK and putting it into action, casting away even the deceptive veil of "defensive" and "annual" ones, are unprecedented in their reckless nature.

The drills for a war of aggression which are the largest and most dangerous in the forces involved, their aggressive, adventurous and surprise nature have been persistently staged only on the Korean peninsula.

Not only the Cold War era but also the period after beginning of the 21st century knows no precedent of such reckless and adventurous nuclear war exercises staged against a sovereign state, unhindered, involving forces huge enough to ignite a world war in a limited area.

In a word, the situation on the Korean peninsula can be described as a touch-and-go situation as the warmongers' reckless provocative hysteria has persisted all the year round.

The peninsula is known to be the hottest spot in the world as it has been reduced to a huge powder keg where a total war may break out due to a minor accidental case for unknown reason like the last August incident.

The memorandum said that the U.S. destroyed the truce mechanism in a premeditated manner to ignite the second Korean war.

After the ceasefire in the Korean War the Armistice Agreement, a legal mechanism, was built.

Though it was a fragile agreement which called for temporary truce, it was possible to escape extreme tension through the proper observance of this agreement alone as it reflected detailed measures for truce and ceasefire.

However, the U.S. began to systematically destroy all the mechanisms of the AA, seized with the ambition for taking revenge for its defeat in the Korean War in utter disregard of observing the AA.

The U.S. resorted to the moves to liquidate the Military Armistice Commission and the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, the last supervisory bodies for implementing the AA.

Finally, the Military Armistice Commission came to cease to exist after its nearly four-decade long activities and the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission was automatically rendered dysfunctional.

Since then the legitimate mechanism capable of putting under control such grave incident as the outbreak of a war on the Korean peninsula has ceased to exist though it had been maintained just for form's sake.

The memorandum slammed the U.S. for having blatantly challenged the efforts of the DPRK for concluding a peace treaty.

The DPRK has made sustained efforts to ensure peace and security even under the tense situation where truce mechanism was totally destroyed and there are no elementary procedures for defusing the danger of war, it stressed, and went on:

However, the brigandish U.S. has categorically turned down constructive proposals of the DPRK for defusing military tension and guaranteeing peace in a bid to carry out the U.S. scenario to implement its Asia-Pacific strategy by militarily dominating the whole of Korea.

There took place more than 200 talks and contacts between the militaries of the DPRK and the U.S. so far since the armistice mechanism became defunct. Nevertheless, the discussion of the issue of establishing a new peace mechanism failed to make even a step forward owing to the unjust behavior of the U.S. forces side.

The memorandum said that the miserable end of the U.S. has been already sealed.

The service personnel and people of the DPRK will as ever mercilessly deal with the U.S. imperialists, the sworn enemy, with strong arms of Songun. This is the DPRK's ultimatum to the U.S.

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