calendar>>May 4. 2016 Juche 105
Spanish Political Figures Visit DPRK Embassy
Pyongyang, May 4 (KCNA) -- Officials of the leadership of the Democratic Workers' Party of Spain and the Communist Party of the People of Spain visited the DPRK embassy in Madrid on April 25 in the run-up to the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

They laid bouquets before the portraits of smiling President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and paid tribute to them.

Miguel Angel Villaron, general secretary of the Democratic Workers' Party of Spain, said:

I believe that the WPK would give fuller play to its dignity as the indestructible party guiding to the ever-victorious road the Korean people's struggle for building a thriving socialist nation and achieving the independent and peaceful reunification of the country, invariably holding the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in high esteem at the top post.

I hope that the historic Seventh Congress of the WPK would be held with success and wish the WPK and the Korean people bigger successes in their struggle.

Asto Garcia, secretary for International Relations of the Communist Party of the People of Spain, said he was deeply impressed to hear the news that all the local party conferences elected Kim Jong Un as delegate to the party congress in the run-up to the congress.

He expressed expectation that the Seventh Congress of the WPK would be an epochal landmark in the just struggle of the WPK and the Korean people who are carrying forward the socialist cause pioneered and advanced by the preceding leaders, holding Kim Jong Un in high esteem.

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