calendar>>May 1. 2016 Juche 105
National Meeting Marks May Day
Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Silk Mill Sunday to mark the 126th May Day.

Present there were Pak Pong Ju, Choe Ryong Hae, Yang Hyong Sop, officials of working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions and other officials and people in the city.

Premier Pak Pong Ju, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, made a report.

Upon the authorization of Marshal Kim Jong Un the premier congratulated the working people across the country on May Day.

The glorious history of the Korean revolution is shining as the proud years in which the working people have successfully discharged their noble mission and duty in the work to carry out the cause of the Juche revolution and socialism under the guidance of the great leaders, the reporter noted, and went on:

President Kim Il Sung, who embarked upon the road of revolution in his early years, put forward broad strata of popular masses including the workers, peasants and intellectuals as the masters of not only their destiny but the revolution under the banner of the Juche idea and ushered in the Juche era, a new era of history in which the independence of the masses was achieved by enlisting their inexhaustible might.

Leader Kim Jong Il closely rallied the working class and other masses around the party and wisely led to victory them in their cause of independence and socialism by dint of single-minded unity.

The history of the great leaders' sacred revolutionary guidance is given steady continuity by Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Working people exist in any part of the world but none of them are leading such a worthwhile and proud life as the working people in the DPRK demonstrating the independent dignity as human beings under the care of the peerlessly great men.

The working people should turn out as one in the drive to step up production and construction and bring earlier the final victory in the confrontation with the U.S., each taking a rifle in one hand and a hammer or sickle or writing brush in the other with the will to annihilate the U.S. imperialists and south Korean puppet group running amuck with reckless nuclear war drills against the DPRK to have the sun of Songun, which represents the life and destiny and bright future of all Koreans, eclipsed.

The Korean working people will as ever boost the solidarity with the working people all over the world in their struggle to oppose exploitation and oppression by capital and achieve genuine democratic right and social progress and will fulfill their mission before history to achieve prosperity common to humankind in the idea of independence, peace and friendship.

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