calendar>>May 1. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Urges U.S. to Seriously Heed DPRK's Warning
Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The Western world is very stunned by the DPRK's entry into the flight test of submarine-launched ballistic rocket in less than a year since the announcement of its underwater test-fire in May last year, saying in unison this proves that the DPRK's warning to turn the U.S. mainland into debris is not just joke.

Minju Joson Sunday observes in a commentary in this regard:

As the world recognizes, the DPRK is not making a joke to the U.S. but is fighting a crucial battle to protect the sovereignty, vital rights and dignity of the country.

The DPRK has advised more than once the U.S. to drop its anachronistic hostile policy toward the former and co-exist with it in a peaceful way.

But the U.S. has persisted in its policy for standoff of force, always pursuing the scenario to stifle the DPRK by force of arms.

The U.S. is now compelled to read the face of the DPRK in carrying out its policy of confrontation with the DPRK and dares not provoke it.

The U.S. had better seriously heed the DPRK's warning that its mainland may turn into debris due to the latter's nuclear strike and would be well advised to behave politely before it.

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