calendar>>May 1. 2016 Juche 105
Bulgarian Newspaper Blames U.S. and S. Korean Authorities for Tension on Korean Peninsula
Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and south Korean authorities are wholly to blame for the grave tension prevailing on the Korean peninsula.

The April issue of the Bulgarian newspaper Iskra said this.

The article went on:

Tension on the peninsula is escalating due to the U.S.-south Korea joint military exercises.

The joint military exercises are aimed to invade the DPRK.

This saber-rattling is taking place every year.

The world is well aware that the DPRK is bolstering up the national defence capability for self-defense.

The Korean People's Army is keeping itself in full combat readiness to cope with the reckless war games of the U.S. and south Korean authorities.

This is because nobody can vouch that these military exercises will not spill over into a real reckless war of aggression against the DPRK.

It is as clear as noonday that even a single spark on the peninsula can trigger off a disastrous war and this may escalate into a world war.

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