calendar>>May 1. 2016 Juche 105
Russian Websites Observe Day of Sun
Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Write-ups were posted on the Russian websites on the occasion of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung (the Day of Sun) and in the run-up to the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

An article titled "Kim Il Sung, eternal sun" was posted on Irkutskblogspot. Ru on April 12, illustrated with the portrait of the smiling President.

The article cited the facts that the prominent figures of many countries praised the President as a model of internationalists, great teacher and incarnation of benevolent politics, saying that the President is still alive in the hearts of all people.

An article posted on Patrioti Moskva on April 15 introduced the International Kim Il Sung Prize and the International Kim Jong Il Prize with the photos of Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

The Internet news agency Erofei-Deve on April 11 said in an article titled "Peerlessly great man Kim Il Sung" that he was a pioneer and leader of the era of independence, elder statesman who guided the cause of human independence and peerless sage who was admired by all people for his noble humanity and virtues.

An article titled "Self-development of the DPRK" posted on Amur Pres on the same day noted that the Korean people glorified the hard years of the revolution with victory by dint of self-development based on the Juche idea and brought about eye-opening achievements in the spirit of self-development and self-reliance, the engine for building a thriving nation.

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