calendar>>April 27. 2016 Juche 105
American Commentator Criticizes U.S. Policy Hostile to DPRK
Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- Stephen Gowans, an American political commentator, recently posted on a website a commentary titled "Why UN sanctions against North Korea are wrong - What the U.S. really wants is not the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula but the Americanization of the Korean peninsula."

The commentary notes:

North Korea has conducted four nuclear tests and launched six rockets capable of carrying satellites into orbit, which the United States has called disguised ballistic missile tests.

Why is North Korea singled out, while the United States and a number of its allies continue to test rocket technology and bolster their nuclear arsenals?

There are no legitimate grounds which justify the March 2, 2016 round of sanctions the Security Council imposed on North Korea.

Giving a detailed account of the fact that North Korea, which had joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1985, exited the treaty to cope with the nuclear attack threat posed by the United States, the commentary says: Witnessing the demise of the Soviet Union and what happened in Iraq and Libya, North Korea came to realize that the U.S. nuclear blackmail should be countered with substantial countermeasures, not with compromise or retreat.

The commentary goes on:

It is ironic that the five permanent members of the UNSC, which are all modernizing their nuclear stockpiles, have imposed new sanctions on North Korea to punish it for doing the same.

To say nothing of the satellite launch, the Security Council, in passing a resolution imposing sanctions on Pyongyang for its satellite launch, has acted ultra vires beyond its authority.

The United States called the DPRK "one of the most brutal regimes the world has ever known" but the U.S is truly one of the most brutal regimes the world has ever known.

The pretext for singling North Korea out for sanction is that it is a threat but the real purpose is to justify the continuing US aggression against a country that refuses to give up public ownership and economic planning or surrender its political and economic sovereignty to the United States.

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