calendar>>April 10. 2016 Juche 105
Mangyongdae Prize International Marathon Held Here
Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- There took place the Mangyongdae Prize International Marathon in Pyongyang Sunday on the occasion of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.

The marathon runners included marathoners from Namibia, South Africa, Rwanda, Zambia, China, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ethiopia and Chinese Taipei and at least 1 000 amateurs from over 50 countries and regions such as the Netherlands, Germany, the U.S., Canada, France, Britain, Australia and Japan.

The competitions were divided into marathon, half-marathon and 10km running race.

The men and women runners and amateurs, who left the May Day Stadium, ran the whole track, demonstrating strong will and high patience.

Working people of all strata and school youth and children cheered, waving hands and clapping hands on streets of the city.

In the marathon DPRK Pak Chol (man) and DPRK Kim Ji Hyang (woman) separately won gold medals, Ethiopian Negasa Ketema Bekele (man) and DPRK Sin Yong Sun (woman) silver medals and Kenyan Mwangi Morris Mureithi (man) and DPRK Jo Un Ok (woman) bronze medals.

An Jong Song (man) of the DPRK and Ri Song Mi (woman) of the DPRK separately came first, Pyon Sang Ho (man) of the DPRK and Ri Un Hyang (woman) of the DPRK second and Kim Song Jin (man) of the DPRK and Hwang Ryon Ju (woman) of the DPRK third in the half-marathon.

In the marathon of amateurs Dover Thomas Anthony David (man) of Australia and Stepanova Jekaterina (woman) of Estonia separately finished first, Deichmann Florian Tobias (man) of Germany and Koljonen Aura Kristina (woman) of Finland second and Van de Loock Nikolass Peter Carin (man) of Belgium and Ban Teodora (woman) of Bulgaria third.

In the half-marathon Fox Mattew Inglis (man) of Australia and Maekinen Heidi Tellervo (woman) of Finland came first, Marshall Stephen Peter (man) of the UK and Du Chunhua (woman) of China second and Tilson Alexander Quillin (man) of the U.S. and Beacom Elise Maree (woman) of Australia third.

In the 10km running race Cook Alexander James (man) of the UK and Hung Isabelle Yu-Ying (woman) of France placed first, Kobold Charles Purcell (man) of the U.S. and Berry Lisa Marie (woman) of Germany second and Cool Sebastian (man) of Belgium and Eliott Nicole Elizabeth (woman) of the U.S. third.

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