calendar>>April 10. 2016 Juche 105
Iranian Figure Supports Korean People's Just Cause
Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The chairman of the Al Hadi Islam Propaganda Organization of Iran made public a statement on April 3 in support of the just cause of the Korean people.

The statement said:

These days a touch-and-go situation is prevailing on the Korean peninsula in which a nuclear war may break out any moment due to the U.S. nuclear threats and the large-scale joint military drills for aggression against the DPRK and harsh sanctions to stifle it.

The U.S. potential nuclear threats have been posed to the DPRK almost every day for the last several decades.

The DPRK's bolstering up of national defence is the just measure for self-defence to cope with the U.S. military threats.

The main reason why the DPRK has no option but to bolster up its nuclear deterrence is the U.S. nuclear threats.

Nevertheless, the U.S. has long threatened the DPRK with nukes while resorting to the extremely political and economic pressure for the mere fact that its ideology and social system are different from the former and it is not meekly yielding to the former's demand.

The Al Hadi Islam Propaganda Organization of Iran fully supports the just struggle of the Korean people to cope with the U.S. reckless nuclear war moves and sanctions to stifle the DPRK.

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