calendar>>April 10. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Praised by Swiss Organizations
Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The Swiss Preparatory Committee for the 2017 Meeting for Praising Great Persons of Mt. Paektu, the Switzerland-Korea Committee and the Swiss Group for the Study of the Juche Idea released a joint statement on April 2 on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's receipt of the title of Generalissimo of the DPRK.

The statement said that the President was awarded the title of Generalissimo of the DPRK on April 13, 1992 in reflection of the unanimous desire of the Korean people.

They presented the title to the President, a manifestation of their boundless reverence for him who accomplished the historic cause of Korea's liberation, led the Fatherland Liberation War to victory and developed socialist Korea, the statement noted.

They are paying high respect to the President who brought the rebirth to the Korean nation and provided its freedom and independence, the statement said, and went on:

The President resolutely smashed all moves of the U.S. imperialists to ignite a war against the DPRK and defended peace on the Korean peninsula during socialist construction.

The DPRK has developed into an invincible fortress of socialism thanks to the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu.

We extend glory to Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, the iron-willed commander.

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