calendar>>April 9. 2016 Juche 105
Newspapers Praise Kim Jong Il for Achieving Prosperity of Country and Nation
Pyongyang, April 9 (KCNA) -- DPRK's newspapers Saturday carry editorials praising leader Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of his election as chairman of the National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK.

Rodong Sinmun says:

Kim Jong Il was the benefactor of the nation and the peerless patriot who laid a firm foundation for the eternal prosperity of the country and people with his indefatigable Songun revolutionary leadership.

Kim Jong Il, who always looked far into the future in leading the revolution and construction, unfolded a grand blueprint for building a prosperous country in the 1990s and energetically conducted ideological and theoretical activities.

A socialist thriving nation planned by him was the one with strong power where everything prospers and people live with nothing more to desire in the world.

Songun politics and Songun revolutionary line of the Workers' Party of Korea is a reflection of his brilliant wisdom, and the state machinery with as a pivot of national defense was also a product of his rare foresight.

It was his steadfast will to make it sure that the single-minded unity, self-defensive capabilities, self-supporting national economy and cultural assets handed down by President Kim Il Sung are glorified for all ages as the cornerstone of building a thriving nation.

To him, patriotism just meant the warmest love and self-sacrificing devotion to the country and the people.

The greatest feat he performed for the eternal prosperity of the DPRK was that he perfectly solved the issue of succession to the leadership based on the principle of Songun.

Minju Joson praises him as the peerlessly great man who formulated the original Songun political mode for the first time in history, reliably defended the DPRK's dignity and sovereignty under the banner of Songun and laid a firm foundation for building a thriving nation.

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